Předklášteří, Porta Coeli Monastery Café Back
The guests of the Porta Coeli monastery complex can visit the Porta Coeli Monastery Café which has been recently opened in the newly renovated premises of the entrance building. The cozy space equipped with furniture from the monastery’s inventory offers quiet seating, freshly roasted coffee, cakes, pastries, desserts, monastery beer Vorkloster, products of monasteries Vyšší Brod, Doksany, Nový Dvůr, Sept-Fons and Barroux in Provence, and souvenirs and collectibles from the Porta Coeli brewery.
Come and see us, we will be happy to see you.
June and September
Wednesday - Sunday 11.00 - 18.00
July and August
Tuesday - Sunday 11.00 - 18.00
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