Uherské Hradiště, klášterní kostel Zvěstování Panny Marie
Holy Masses
The construction of the monastery including the Church of the Announciation was after many difficulties completed in the first quarter of the 18th century. The original Gothic style was replaced by Baroque elements. The monastery has a square floor plan with a paradise yard inside which one can admire the oldest well in the town. The dominant feature of the monastery complex is a tall tower with a baroque dome. On the ground floor there is a memorial sign commemorating the site of the original demolished chapel of St. Rosalie. The entrance portal is decorated with vaulted cartouches with the emblem of the Hungarian Franciscan province. The ground floor is ceiled with baroque lunette vaults. The monastery refectory with a unique stucco decoration can be admired for its murals, lunettes depicting figures of Franciscan saints, panel paintings depicting the tragic moments of martyrs and valuable Baroque furnishings. The Franciscan monastery was reconstructed and then awarded the title House of the Year 1996. After 1989, the bretherns in Uherské Hradiště renewed the religious life in the monastery but currently they live in a house in the square.
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