Předklášteří, kostel Nanebevzetí Panny Marie - pouť ke sv. Anežce České
Holy Masses
The monastery church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary is a part of Porta Coeli, the female Cistercian monastery. The early-Gothic church and the monastery buildings create together a unique monument of the Tišnov region. The Romanesque-Gothic church is of the basilica type. Its floor plan has got the shape of a Latin cross. The church is a three-nave building with a transept and a three-part apse. From the south, the interior is illuminated by a large round window with many circular motifs. A breath-taking portal with five archivolts and inserted columns is one of the most admired parts of the church. The portal is richly decorated with statues of the apostles and with animal and plant motifs. The portal and the monastery church are the jewels of medieval architecture in our country. This pilgrimage place is linked with St. Agnes of Bohemia, because her mother, Queen Constance, founded the monastery there. The pilgrimage tradition started in 1989 when Agnes of Bohemia was canonized.
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