Praha 1 - Malá Strana, kostel Panny Marie Vítězné a sv. Antonína Paduánského (Pražské Jezulátko)
Holy Masses
The world-famous statue of the Infant Jesus of Prague is kept and worshiped in this church. Hundreds of thousands of people from the Czech Republic and all around the world visit it every year. It is also a cultural and artistic monument of world importance. The exceptionally well-preserved Baroque interior is decorated with pieces of work made by leading Czech artists of the 17th and 18th centuries. These include among others the main altar from the first quarter of the 18th century which has been gradually restored since 2006 to its original color scheme combining copper and gold. Since 2015, the church includes a new altar, pulipt, cross and baptismal font created by academic sculptor Otmar Oliva. The church is open every day all year round. It is administrated by a five-member international community of Discalced Carmelite brothers living in the adjoining monastery. In addition to regular liturgical celebrations, there are other events open to public, such as regular series of lectures or meetings called People in Dialogue.
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